

Gatling シナリオ Tips




├── bin 
│ └── gatlingやrecorderの実行ファイルが格納されている。
├── conf
│ └── 設定ファイル全般
├── lib
│ └── gatling自身が利用するjarファイルなど
├── results
 └── テスト結果のログ、レポートの生成先
└── user-files
 └── resources
 │ └── search.csv
 └── simulations
 └── 実行するシュミレーション用のスクリプトを格納する場所

    nothingFor(4 seconds), // 1
    atOnceUsers(10), // 2
    rampUsers(10) during (5 seconds), // 3
    constantUsersPerSec(20) during (15 seconds), // 4
    constantUsersPerSec(20) during (15 seconds) randomized, // 5
    rampUsersPerSec(10) to 20 during (10 minutes), // 6
    rampUsersPerSec(10) to 20 during (10 minutes) randomized, // 7
    heavisideUsers(1000) during (20 seconds) // 8

① 特定の時間一時停止

② 指定した数のユーザー数で同時アクセス

③ 指定した数のユーザーに到達するまで線形に増加

④ 一定の割合でユーザー数を増加させる

⑤ Injects users at a constant rate, defined in users per second, during a given duration. Users will be injected at randomized intervals.

⑥ Injects users from starting rate to target rate, defined in users per second, during a given duration. Users will be injected at regular intervals.

⑦ Injects users from starting rate to target rate, defined in users per second, during a given duration. Users will be injected at randomized intervals.

⑧ Injects a given number of users following a smooth approximation of the heaviside step function stretched to a given duration.